A Holiday Wish from Sonata
It’s here!
Christmas is here!

The house is decorated…
Cookies are baking in the oven…
Travel is planned and replanned…
Projects are DONE!
It is time to celebrate, enjoy family and friends, and perhaps sneak in a longish winter’s nap with some serious pajama time!
My Wish for You
My wish for you this season is that you experience a holiday full of love, peace, laughter, and JOY!
The best way I could think of to share JOY with you is to share this Christmas morning video that we took of our twin daughters almost 12 years ago.
We show it to friends every year. (We actually get requests for it!)
You are my friend so you are included in this family tradition!
The girls were 16 at the time and the Christmas gift that year was the biggest we had ever given them.
A used car for them to share!
Not exactly a “cool” car but it had a clean bill of health and it was safe.
Prepping the Surprise
I wrapped the car license plates (one for each girl) in elaborate Christmas wrapping and then we let the camera roll.
The house looks completely different, the girls are 27 years old, and we now have our sheep-a-doodle, Bentley after losing our dear poodle, Charlie.
But it seems like yesterday!
Whether a wrapped package or a gift of the heart, my wish for you this Christmas is that you feel uninhibited JOY as you give and receive!
Granted, this was a material gift.
But the joy we gave and the joy we received that year will live in my heart forever!
So, with the permission of my twin daughters, I give you…
“Once Upon a Christmas Morn”
Merry Christmas, my friend!
p.s. Thanks to my husband for taking the video!