Meet Shelley Erikson: A Sister with Style
In honor of Mother’s Day, I am dedicating each Sunday in May to a different mom who has intrigued, influenced and inspired me with her design style, career choice, decorating aesthetic and/or all of the above!
Meet Shelley Erikson!

She is eight years older than me yet we are on the same ESP Soul Sister wavelength.
As the banished, irritating (albeit adorable!) eight year old sister, I listened outside her bedroom door as she played her David Cassidy and Best of Bread records while getting ready for a date. I thought she was the coolest on the PLANET.
She is and I still do!
Shelley has always been stylish and loves to entertain. From her amazing tablescapes to her sophisticated yet comfortable living room, Shelley knows herself and knows her style.
Missy: How would you describe your decorating style?
Shelley: Constantly evolving. I have lived through and participated in many, many cycles of color palettes, furniture styles and window covering trends. Quite simply, I have finally landed on an eclectic mix of anything that makes me happy. What does that look like? Right now it is the black walls in my dining room with shots of gold, silver, and turquoise. A kitchen wallpapered in a black Moroccan tile pattern with red upholstered chairs. And a collection of planters and vases composed of people’s heads and abstract faces. Yes, they are cool.
Missy: When did you first discover your interest in home decorating?
Shelley: Probably when I moved into my first home. It only took me only a few weeks to declare to my husband that the ancient green carpet, albeit ancient wool green carpet, would have to go. My journey was off and running as I learned the ins and outs of plaster walls, picture-hanging rails, and the joys of hanging wallpaper in bedrooms with dormers. I loved every minute of it and have learned a lot along the way about what works and what doesn’t.
Missy: Who or what inspires your home decorating?
Shelley: If I am to be totally honest, my mother has probably been my biggest inspiration. While our styles differ, I learned from her how a lovely, well-appointed home is a demonstration of love for family and friends. I want my family to eat in a beautiful space. I want my friends to feel comfortable and serene as we sip our cocktails or coffee in a space I have curated for just that purpose.
Missy: What are some of your favorite current home trends?
Shelley: I am loving the clean lines of Scandinavian-inspired furniture. At this stage of my life, I am seeking and enjoying simpler things so this is pretty apropos.
Missy: What is your favorite room in your home and why?
Shelley: Most of my time is spent in my family room. I love the comfortable leather chair, the teal velvet sofa, and two fabulous club chairs in a teal, gold, and gray floral. While the living room is the room we look at, this room is where we actually live. It is filled with lots of memories of holidays, birthdays, and special occasions.
Missy: What are some of your favorite memories of your children in your home?
Shelley: Surprisingly, my favorite memories of my three children are not the holidays, birthdays, or celebrations. Instead, they are of the more mundane activities that made our house a home. Watching my sweet 4-year-old Elizabeth stand on a chair and wash dishes. Marveling at my teen-aged Katie baking homemade blueberry pies. And laughing as my two-year-old Jack, when learning to catch a ball, was told to “keep your eye on the ball.” Which is exactly what he did – put his eye on the ball.
Missy: If you could give your children one piece of decorating advice, what would it be?
Shelley: Invest in timeless, well-built furniture pieces. Spend the money on the “big” stuff that should last for a long time. Changing out the accessories is easy and I generally do not spend a lot of money on those items. It is okay to follow trends but be careful about how much you spend on them because they can sometimes change very quickly.
Missy: If you could give you children one piece of “life” advice, what would it be?
Shelley: It is okay to be vulnerable. I am a huge fan of Brene Brown and have fully drunk the kool-aid about vulnerability. While some may think vulnerability is a negative or a weakness, I consider it the most important point in moving forward with joy and intention.
Shelley is my shopping buddy and my decorating soundboard. She can have me belly laughing one moment and teary-eyed the next. She has walked through fire and emerged a stronger person . She is the most generous person I know and will remind me of my truth when I need to hear it. While I have grown out of lurking behind her closed door (she thinks!), I will always admire her, respect her, emulate her, marvel at her, and love her!