Little Luxuries at Home: One Small Pleasure at a Time

Forget the champagne and caviar! True luxury lives right at home, nestled in the everyday moments. Let’s explore the power of little luxuries, the small indulgences that transform your home into a haven of comfort and joy!

Blooming tree in the spring.

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Luxury at Home

Let’s talk about luxury.  

The word itself conjures images of grand vacations, sparkling diamonds, and overflowing champagne flutes.

 But what if I told you that true luxury can be found right at home, nestled in the everyday moments?  Forget the latest news on designer handbags – true luxury lies in cultivating a haven of comfort and joy within your own four walls.

For years, I associated luxury with extravagance.

Glasses of champagne.

Glasses of sparkling champagne? Luxurious.

A weekend getaway to a five-star resort? Luxurious. 

Frequent lavish pedicures? Absolutely.  

But as life unfolded, my definition shifted.  Luxury became less about outward displays of wealth and more about the little things that nurtured my soul. It became about creating a space that soothed my spirit and sparked moments of pure delight.

Luxury at HOME.

Woman pruning a house plant.

I had never had a manicure until my daughter got married 4 years ago. Now, in my post-retirement blogging career, I find that the luxury of going to a nail salon is highly soothing to me (Why do I love cuticle work so much?) and so well worth the time and expense.

But when do I really notice the luxury of a manicure? When I am at home getting dressed for the day, writing at my desk, or giving our dog, Bentley, a good scratch around his ears!

Little luxuries at home include this woman playing with her dog.

Why Little Luxuries Are Important

These little luxuries, far from being trivial, are essential for our well-being.  

They are the small indulgences that allow us to breathe, to appreciate the present moment, and to nurture ourselves.  

They are a form of self-care, a respite from the constant demands of daily life.

Little luxuries aren’t just about pampering, though a warm bubble bath with Epsom salts and a rubber duck certainly qualifies! 

A simple bubble bath with a rubber duck can be little luxuries at home.

They’re about finding comfort, beauty, and joy in the ordinary.  It’s about cultivating mindfulness, savoring the simple pleasures, and appreciating the beauty that surrounds us.

The best part? Little luxuries don’t have to be expensive or complicated. They can be as simple as surrounding yourself with things that bring you joy.

What Are Little Luxuries at Home?

For me, little luxuries come in two forms: those that bring delight through beauty and those that make life easier and more joyful.

Take a simple tree outside my window, for example.  Every morning, I’m greeted by its gentle dance in the breeze, its leaves shimmering with sunlight. It’s a constant reminder of the beauty that exists in the world, a tiny spark of joy that costs absolutely nothing.

Sweet berry tree branch.

On the other hand, some little luxuries streamline my life, freeing up space for me to focus on the things I love.  

One such luxury is a pull-out hidden trash can and recycling bin in my kitchen island.  

It may seem like a small thing, but it eliminates the constant clutter and eyesore of overflowing bins.  Suddenly, my kitchen feels calmer and more organized, a small change that has a big impact on my daily experience.

Some of My Favorite Little Luxuries

The beauty of little luxuries at home is that they are different for everyone. It’s not a one-size-fits-all approach to happiness. 

For one person, a steaming cup of tea brewed in a favorite mug might be the epitome of a cozy evening. Another might find pure bliss in curling up with a good book in a sun-drenched reading nook. The key is to identify what sparks joy within you.

The following is a gathering of my favorite little luxuries. Maybe we share some of the same luxuries? Or maybe it will spark some ideas for how to add small home pleasures into your household!

Some are common…and some are quirky!


Candles are like little magic wands for your home!

They transform a space, making it feel cozy and inviting. I love the warm glow and inviting scent of candles.

My trick? Buying 2-3 of the same scent and lighting them all at once throughout the house. It creates a truly immersive experience, like stepping into a little oasis of calm.

There’s something so relaxing about coming home to that soft, flickering light and a beautiful scent filling the air. 

A lighted candle in a jar is one of many little luxuries found in a kitchen.

Fresh Flowers

Fresh flowers are like nature’s little pick-me-up. They bring a touch of the outdoors in and fill your home with life and color. It’s a simple way to elevate your mood and create a welcoming atmosphere. 

I love to place fresh flowers in “work spaces”.

How lovely to wash the dishes, fold the laundry, or work at my desk with a beautiful bloom nearby.


A kitchen sink flanked by a lamp and a single hydrangea bloom.

Whether it’s a single hydrangea from a garden, a lavish floral arrangement gift, or a vibrant mixed bouquet from the grocery store, there’s something undeniably luxurious about having fresh flowers around!

A single pink hydrangea bloom sitting by a kitchen window is a small luxury.

Fresh Ground Coffee in My Favorite Mug 

 Every morning, I savor a cup of coffee in my favorite blue chinoiserie mug. And I love the smooth texture of a quality dark roast coffee.

But it’s not just the beautiful china mug or coffee. It’s the time…time to myself when it is quiet, peaceful, and still.

It’s a small ritual that sets the tone for a peaceful and productive day.

A blue and ivory chinoiserie mug of coffee in front of a jar candle.


Monogrammed items are like adding a little touch of “you” to your home, don’t you think? 

It’s a small thing, but it makes a big difference. Imagine wrapping yourself in a fluffy, monogrammed robe after a long day – pure luxury! 

Or picture your couch looking extra cozy with monogrammed pillows or stepping out of the bathtub into monogrammed towels.

 It’s like giving your space a personality boost. Plus, it’s a fun way to show off your initials!

A monogramed towel draped over a bathtub add little luxuries.

Home Spa Experience

Creating a home spa experience is all about pampering yourself and indulging in some much-needed relaxation.

Dim the lights, light some scented candles, and play soft music. 

Run a warm bath with bath bombs or Epsom salts for a soothing soak. 

Don’t forget to exfoliate your skin with a body scrub (I have a great homemade sugar scrub recipe you would love!) and follow it up with a luxurious body lotion. 

For an extra touch of pampering, grab a face mask and let it work its magic. 

Have your own personal spa day without leaving the comfort of your home!

Small soaps on a tray are little luxuries in the bathroom.

An Elegant Decanter…for Mouthwash!

This is one of my favorite luxury hacks!

Swapping that boring mouthwash bottle for a fancy-cut glass decanter is a game-changer! 

It’s like giving your bathroom a little makeover without lifting a finger. 

Suddenly, that mundane task of swishing mouthwash feels a bit more luxurious!

A cut-glass decanter filled with mouthwash is an unexpected little luxury.

Decorating Books

I love decorating with coffee table books and I love my interior design books!

Curled up in my cozy reading nook with a stack of interior design books is pure bliss! 

There’s something so inspiring about flipping through pages filled with beautiful spaces. It’s like taking a mini-vacation to different worlds. I love how these books spark my creativity and get my imagination going. 

Just like a travel book transports you to far-off lands, these design books whisk me away to dream homes filled with color, texture, and style. It’s the perfect way to relax and get inspired for my next home project.

Little luxuries include a reading nook with a comfy chair, side table and stacks of books.
A stack of decorating books.
A coffee table styled with books, a vase, and faux flowers.

French Peach Vanilla Jam

Even the name of this yummy jam sounds like a luxury!

This might seem strange, but this French peach vanilla jam is a very special little luxury for me.  Peach jam with vanilla is not something you come across very often and I don’t think I’m up for making it myself. (although that might be fun to do sometime!)

A jar of peach jam, fresh peaches, and fresh English muffins can be considered little luxuries for breakfast.

While this definitely costs more than I would usually spend on a jar of jam. I was able to find it on Amazon and, with free shipping, I don’t feel any guilt paying a few dollars more for this jam that I love!

And the household knows that this is MY jam! Don’t worry…my husband has his little luxuries too!

Making Little Luxuries a Habit

The key to unlocking the power of little luxuries is to cultivate a mindset of appreciation.  Look for ways to make something prettier, tastier, or more comfortable on a daily basis.

 It could be something as simple as using a beautiful dishcloth while washing dishes, playing your favorite music while cooking, or time to snuggle with a pet in your favorite pajamas.

A woman in pajamas snuggling with a small dog.

What is Your Luxury?

Remember, the best little luxuries are the ones that bring you joy. So, take some time to figure out what makes you feel special at home.

 Is it a cozy blanket, a delicious cup of tea, or maybe a beautiful piece of art? Whatever it is, embrace those little moments of indulgence. 

They’re not selfish; they’re essential for your happiness and well-being. 

So go ahead, treat yourself! What’s your favorite little luxury? Share it in the comments below – I’d love to hear about it!


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Spa bath soaps in a tray in a luxurious bath.

Little Luxuries to Keep and Share

Small luxuries make wonderful gifts! Whether you are buying for yourself or searching for the right gift, take a look at this collection of delightful gifts to give…or keep! 


  1. The simplest things in life are the best. Little luxuries for me are a soak in the bath, a big cream cake, a cup of coffee sat outside in the garden and a freshly made bed.

  2. Excellent post! I couldn’t agree more. Little luxuries for me include enjoying the flowers I planted myself, creating a tasty dish from vegetables from our garden, hand stitching or drawing as I watch TV with my family in the evening with my little dog on my lap. Oh, and since the pandemic, I no longer save anything for a special occasion. Enjoying each day is a special occasion.

    1. An evening at your home sounds perfect, Michelle! I just wish my dog would fit in my lap! Wishing lots of little luxuries this week!

  3. Little luxuries for me definitely include flowers in the house, spending a night doing my own nails complete with decorative little details, and reading on the swing in the backyard.

  4. Such a wonderful post, Missy!!
    For me, little luxuries are the free kind..listening to my fountain on the patio, watching the hummingbirds come to the feeder, snuggling Tilly, having my morning coffee while listening to classical music…there truly are so many things to be grateful for that don’t cost a thing yet are so helpful for overall wellbeing.
    Have a lovely weekend!

  5. This post really spoke to me today. With a lot happening around us recently, I have ignore my need for beautiful in my surroundings. Definitely seeking the small luxuries to pull out today.

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