Diary of a New Blogger
Three months in with my new blog! This may seem like a very short period of time (It is!) but I have learned so much and thought I would share a few thoughts in my “Diary of a New Blogger.”
When I started, I knew this would be an involved project that is a little outside of my comfort zone. Three months has taught me a lot! While certainly not inclusive (there is so much!), here is a list I will call “The Good, The Bad, and The Amazing!” with Sonata Home Design.

The Good
I have a voice! There is so much information on the internet and so many incredible creatives out there. It is easy to feel like the amoeba in the huge internet ocean. However, the more I create, the more I realize that I have ideas, thoughts, and projects that I want to share. And, don’t you agree, the beauty of the ocean is not just in the big dolphins…we need amoebas too!
I was shaking in my shoes when I published my first post three months ago. Short and sweet but the sentiment is still the same…Come on in!
I love to decorate! This is not news but just more reinforcement that this is not a passing hobby but a lifelong love. I have also realized that I can handle BIG projects. My favorite…Our Kitchen Renovation!
I love DIY! I did so much DIY when I was younger but had gotten out of the habit in past years. Whether reinventing a space or up-cycling something old or creating something completely new, I do love to get my hands dirty to make something beautiful! Here are few a my favorite Sonata DIY projects so far…
4 Simple Steps to Creating Pom Pom Magic
The Bad
Time. Writing a blog takes a lot of time! I am a full-time public school music teacher with a huge love for my students and creating music with them. Juggling my job with all that life brings is challenging enough. Adding a blog is, quite frankly, a little CRAZY!
Overwhelmed. There is a whole lot more involved with writing a blog than I initially thought. Creating content, writing about it, social media, SEO, marketing, emails, website, video, posting, the list goes on and on. Each item can be a whole lot on its own. Sometimes, that overwhelming feeling sets in and I need a reset.
Technology and Social Media. This has never been my primary wheelhouse. Like everyone else, I enjoy social media but navigating it as a blogger is not always intuitive for me. Thank goodness for my husband, Brian, my daughters, my newfound blogger friends, and my blogging mentor, KariAnne Wood of Thistlewood Farms. Despite many moments of confusion and frustration, I WILL SURVIVE!
The Amazing!
I am still here! With the exception of one missed Tuesday, I have stayed true to my blogging calendar, have written posts of which I am proud, and have a LONG list of ideas for future posts. Here are a couple of posts of which I am particularly proud.
Like Mother, Like Daughter Decorating
How to Be A Guest in Your Guest Room
I started a Book Club! I knew all those design books I have accumulated over the years had a purpose. I started a free, virtual Facebook book club called SonataScript that focuses solely on home design/home lifestyle books. We have a solid group of fun people who share my same love of home design books. The door is always open and you are, of course, invited to join!
More Amazing…The World of Friends
This is truly the most beautiful benefit of writing a blog. I have reconnected with old friends and made so many new friends through this crazy adventure! The connection and support I have received is truly a gift to me. My greatest hope is that somehow, through this blog, I am able to give something of value back to so many amazing people! Thank you to everyone who has followed, commented, supported, encouraged, and become a part of my new blogging world!
Thank Yous
Having twin daughters is the BEST! And, when they become grown adults, it just gets better and better! Madeline and Samantha have been so supportive and helpful and I am grateful for every idea, suggestion, and social media emergency help. Love you both to the moon and back!
I would be remiss if I did not thank a VERYimportant person. Without my husband, Brian, this blog would not exist. Whether technical design, answering a million questions, early morning “Can you do this for me?”, late night “Can you do this for me?”, painting, sanding, posting, and never-ending encouragement, love, support, and humor, I am SO grateful for this amazing man I get to call my husband and partner. Thank you, Brian!
Perhaps the most amazing news is that I am just getting started! My three-month initiation into the world of blogging has had its ups and downs. But the ups have just inspired me to continue on this AMAZING journey!
And, of course, you are invited to come along with me for the ride!
Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links.
I enjoyed your story about your mom. A mom really shapes their child’s personality. I am also a former high school choir director. I really enjoyed my time teaching and was able to get musicals restarted at our high school after a 20 year haitus. Now my great love is sewing apparel. You have beautiful daughters! My next door neighbors just had twin girls. I am so looking forward to watching them grow up. Your blog will be amazing and I look forward to your new ideas. I love the idea of wallpapering the cupboard drawers! Have a beautiful day!
Hi Maureen! So great to hear from you! Having done years of musicals at school, I know how much work they are. Kudos to you! I really appreciate your support for my new blog. It has kind of become a family affair as my husband and daughters are so helpful to me. So excited to share new ideas! Thank you for reading! Have a great day!
A great post. It’s all so true. I had no idea what a roller coaster I was getting on when I started blogging, it’s been 6 months now and I love it.
Hugs and blessings to you.
I am so grateful to have fellow bloggers like yourself to help me learn all of this. Congratulations on 6 months!
Thanks for sharing this post! It does get overwhelming at times running a business yet also trying to learn & grow in this new (to me anyway) arena.
You are doing great & I love your bookclub and look forward to more wonderful selections (as a major design book collector myself).
You are such a natural on camera. That is a gift within itself for sure. I look forward to following along on your journey!
Hi Scarlett, We are growing together! While we have not met in person, I always love seeing your name on a zoom meeting or a facebook thread and I always feel your support. Thank you so much for this! So glad to have you as a friend and look forward to the day we meet face to face! Are you going to Haven? ~Missy