Sonata Script Issue # 20- When a QVC Producer Calls You…Wait, What?

Giving you a peek into the past week for me and Sonata Home Design. The week in review, my favorite finds on the web, and just a little “this and that.” I always want to give you great ideas, inspiration, creative motivation, light bulb moments, and a hearty “You can do it!”

I know I am not alone in my passion for home decorating, crafting, and nesting. So, please join me each week for this creative Saturday jolt!

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A Double-Take

Do you ever do a double-take when you look at your phone voicemail?

You see a message that is so incredible you think it must be spam?

Imagine my surprise when QVC left me a voicemail.


The mega home shopping network where I buy my favorite jeans…

…my favorite eyeliner…

And my favorite skin care products.

Boom! Stop! Because my love of these skin care products is why they called me!

Oh, I’m so excited to tell you!

QVC has asked me to appear on a televised show on July 1st (via Skype) to share my skincare story and talk about my experience with this skincare line.

The skincare line? Philosophy skincare!

You see, the month of July is the anniversary celebration of 25 years that Philosophy has teamed up with QVC. Quite a partnership!

They initially scheduled me for the end of the month. Then, after my conversation with the producer, I was asked if I would be part of the kick-off on July 1st!


This will be easy for me because I have used Philosophy for years and many of their products are desert island items for me. I truly love this line!

Will I be nervous? Uh, YEAH! (note my limited vocabulary at this exciting moment!)

Will you do me the honor of marking July 1st on your calendar and virtually holding my hand while I’m on the air with QVC? Oh, thank you, my friend! Even Skyping, I will be less nervous knowing there are friendly SHD friends who have my back!

I’ll share more details with you on the blog and social media as we get closer but I just couldn’t wait to share the news with you!

Where can you find me? Follow me on Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest!

This Week’s Hustle and Bustle

The hustle and bustle this week revolved around getting our sprinkler system repaired.

Yawn. Not photo-worthy.

Instead, there are always flowers!

I’m always sad when I need to deadhead geraniums. But it must be done.

Handy tip: Deadheading Geraniums!

Geraniums need to be deadheaded when the blooms are spent in order to generate new flowers and growth. When deadheading, pinch off the flower at the base of the stem rather than just pulling off the old bloom. You’ll have new buds in no time!

The good news is that new buds have already started and I should have a pot full of blooms again by July 4th!

What I’m Reading…

I just finished reading The Women by Kristin Hannah. I loved it and highly recommend it!

Not only was the story good, but I learned a great deal about the brave women who served as nurses in the Vietnam War.

While the main character of the book is fictional, she represents all of the courage, tenacity, and bravery that these nurses embodied in an incredibly tumultuous and challenging chapter in our nation’s history.


Bentley has a new cousin…one that he hasn’t met quite yet!

My daughter and son-in-law adopted an adorable rescue dog that is the most beautiful chocolate brown color. His name is Liam and he is the shade of a perfect milk chocolate candy bar.

We are giving him a little time to settle in before we introduce him to Sir Bentley. Can’t wait for this meet and greet!

A Quote for the Week

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In My Cart This Week

I’m still in an “Etsy frame of mind” after my list of favorites from earlier in the week. Here are additional items that are in my cart. Let’s start with some artwork indoors!

Pink and Gold Stripes Wall Art

Still Life Chair Wall Art

Modern Abstract Wall Art

And then let’s head outside!

Custom Beach Towel

Champagne Veuve Rose Tee

Tropical Outdoor Pillow

Look What I Found On the Web

My friend, Diane, at South House Designs is SO creative! I love her twist on using decoupage to create these charming flags and 3D artwork!

Jen at Midwest Life and Style is amazing at creating beautiful tablescapes! She is sharing all of her 4th of July tips in this inspiring post!

Looking to refresh your desk area? Lynn from Living Large in a Small House shares a beautiful desk refresh as well as her clever home office set up. Dreamy!

One of my new friends (and mentor!), Sara, is the creator behind Simply Southern Cottage. I love her post on embracing patriotic decor. She shares some great decor ideas and includes reminders on how to respectfully display the flag. Thanks, Sara!

Wishing you a great week!

Always remember…”Home is where your story begins!” ~Annie Danielson



  1. Oh my gosh. How exciting, Missy! I’ll have to tune in! Thank you so much for sharing my 4th of July tablescape. I appreciate it!

  2. So exciting Missy. I will be watching from Peoria AZ. Now I have to go check out that skincare line!

    Good luck!

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